Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Mid Weekly Quirkologies...

This week I have been

1. Drinking some yuckie health stuff booster from Fushi, a health brand from the UK.
(Doesn't work: I have been emptying the whole box and I still look and feel below the weather)

2. Receiving a new blush: It is from a brand named Diana and I received it in a gmarket order. It's Peeeeeeenk!

3. liking cute Angel cards I received for free.
Well, not entirely free. always adds them when you order from them. I received a whole lot of Joy from them in the orders I made in the past.

4. Dressing up my Pupee.
I am probably too old to play dress up doll, but millions of women around the world seem to have a pupee they love to dress up, so I feel ok about this little indulgence of mine. This is one of my more boring outfits.


blogger said...

that's a nice pink shadow! and your poupee doll is really cute^^

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard of the brand Diana.. that pink blush is really pretty!

I found an e-tailer selling the MBD Hello Kitty masks, if you like, I'll send the link to you via FB? LMK!! =D