Monday, 9 November 2009

fashion, ehm...I'll pass

I haven't been on the online blogging scene (love the word scene, it makes me feel so included, tá) for more than a week. Even though I have nothing interesting to say or post for the moment, I think I should make a benefit today.

It will be fashion. My blog is still not completely defined as 'beauty only' so I can do as a please...ha ha! So fashion, who or what are you? Why am I attracted to you (fashion) in one period in life, and other periods you dissapoint me so much (still fashion)?

Mmm, to disappointment...this season of the 80s and all the studded leather things going on is a bit too much for my fragile mind. I look at these padded coats and, fierce (sorry to use a Tyra-esque expression...he he). When I put them on I think...tiny Birkie with her mum's jacket on. Shoulderpads...I do not feel them. They make me look too bulky and masculine--> so, ok...maybe a tiny shoulder-enhancement.

I think a large shoulder can look stunning on petite girls, though. I found this incredible pic on outsapop, who got it from stylehunter herself. This Indonesian girl absolutely rocks the wings...(as for me...steer clear)

Another hit for the petite are the celebrating-bigbird jackets. Hear hear, Sesame street has been celebrating its 40th birthday, and Bigbird is having a moment on the fashion front. Topshop has been issueing 'bigbird in cow-disguise'

And Bigbird's raven cousin(s)

(if you like the trend...go get some more on topshop over here).

That brings me to one of the biggest trends this autumn....anything leather, studded and black--> biker-chic is back and I am already tired of it....

For example, these shoes could be lovely if the heel was soft and tiny...but this is just too stripper-esque.

For is Christopher Kane for Topshop and he wants you to be incredibly tall and possible not walking confortably enough (here).

If I would were these in public I would be offered money by lew types for indecent deeds, or be mistaken for say delicately...non-female person impersonating a female...I would be just too tall for these strutting devices.

(still, I am aware lots of girls manage to wear them and actually rock them as no other...I will just say....WOW)

This studded and leather everything trend is also so overadvertised that I am longing for anything soft, fluffy, flowery, silky in sweet colours.

Such like this... Silk One Shoulder Pleat Dress

Soft - check

drapy- check

lilac colour- check

silk fabric- check

a-line shape - check

not too short/not too long- check

not too demure/not too sexy- check

affordable- check

YES, it ticks all my boxes...

I could wear this all day...were it not that I would get strange looks wearing this with 10 degrees celcius to my daily occupation...eeek!

So, what do you think of this season's fashion and how does it work with your body shape and personality? What would you like to get rid of or what would you like to bring back to the shops?


Anonymous said...

girl, that dress is so gorgeous!!

Bijin Blair said...

Hot shoes but I'd prolly trip and embarrass myself to death haha!

Anonymous said...

Fashion for the most part is nothing but the ostentation of riches.

Yumeko said...

i hate the whole tights/skinny jeans thing..but only because i have short legs and am jealous
i have a really long torso T-T