My hauls of last week were really rewarding in the field of making my eyes summerproof. I know, I has hardly been spring...but the rising temperatures make my blood sizzle for summer fun...

The packaging and the tube is so pretty and feminine, without going overboard on pinkness and fluffiness. I love Paul & Joe's peachy packaging and the gold writing is so gorgeous. The next picture is a closeup of the eye jelly in the tube...

Swatches: it delivers a glowy, champagne gold colour which can be sheered out to a shimmery hint of gold on the eyelids....

More importantly, is it splashproof/sweatproof/funproof? I have been splashing water over my eyes and eyelids....and it stayed on wonderfully. I also layered it over a taupe creamshadow, and it gave a lucid dimension to also warmed up the taupe, so it would be wonderful for warming up cooler shadows for girls who prefer their eyeshadows to be more warm.
One of the products I was dying to try out was the Paul & Joe Eye gloss. Actually, I was hesitating between Jill Stuart Eye jelly or Paul & Joe, but prefered P & J based on more flattering swatches (without too much glitter, my eyes do not want to resemble a discoball in summer) and the more convenient method of application ( a wand instead of dipping my fingers-aka unhygienic- into a jelly jar).
Paul & Joe it became, and I have not been dissapointed yet! I picked colour 1, a goldish glow that would look brilliantly alone or paired over another colour to punch it up. I ordered it at Gooddealer included two precious p&j samples as lovely. I have been testing the light cream foundation in 30 and it is so I know why Fuzkitty is raving about this stuff...uhohhh, more lemmings.
The packaging and the tube is so pretty and feminine, without going overboard on pinkness and fluffiness. I love Paul & Joe's peachy packaging and the gold writing is so gorgeous. The next picture is a closeup of the eye jelly in the tube...

Swatches: it delivers a glowy, champagne gold colour which can be sheered out to a shimmery hint of gold on the eyelids....

My second haul came from, a etailer company that specialises on wickedly fun-coloured mineral eyeshadows. I bought their Inks liquid eyeliner in the past, in colour intoxicating, and I love this stuff for an easy eye with a twinkle of fun.
I was craving more taupes, so I purchased the two taupe eyeliners available: Tinsel Taupe and Flattery Gets You Everywhere. As they have free shipping with a purchase over $20 (INTERNATIONALLY) I picked up a small lip lustre in Lace Gloves as well. The twinkly eyeshadow in the top of the picture was a freebie...I want to mix that with clear nailpolish to make a darkly glittery polish...ha ha.
Althought they are gorgeous, they are quite similar. I probably would not have purchased both if I knew that before. (picture in sunlight). The Flattery is a bit darker and has a greener hint compared to Tinsel Taupe.
The best thing about Fyrinnae's colours are their multi-dimensional quality in colour, so I will overwhelm you with swatches. Eeeek, my hands look so crocodile-ish right now...I need to use my Kose Happy Bathday soon!

I prefer Flattery Gets You Everywhere over Tinsel Taupe. Tinsel looks more silvery in specific light, whereas Flattery is more greenish. I still consider them to be quite similar. I love their names, btw...I wish that Flattery indeed got me everywhere...sight...

I prefer Flattery Gets You Everywhere over Tinsel Taupe. Tinsel looks more silvery in specific light, whereas Flattery is more greenish. I still consider them to be quite similar. I love their names, btw...I wish that Flattery indeed got me everywhere...sight...
Ok, this is an eye post today, but I wanted to show you the other Fyrinnae swatches as well. The Lip Lustre feels more velvety than balmy, but it looks quite flattering in a velvety manner. Sometimes I am not feeling the glossy lip-look and a velvet product is more appropriate. The colour is a creamy coral with pink microshimmer, and looks summery on the lips.

I love this Taupetastic colour for waterproof eyes as well, but I will not tease the international crowd, as it is only available in meee leeetle country...

Another fantastic product is K-palette eyeliner! Somehow I could not find my own picture, but I have it in my collection as well. It stays put for a long time and is not too difficult to remove. I bought mine on a while ago, but it is available on amazon as well.
However, I think that the numerous gel eyeliners that are available these days, ranging from Mac to, will have a water-resistant quality as well. Just try some and find out which will suit you the most.
Another fantastic product is K-palette eyeliner! Somehow I could not find my own picture, but I have it in my collection as well. It stays put for a long time and is not too difficult to remove. I bought mine on a while ago, but it is available on amazon as well.

I will not discuss waterproof mascara's yet, as there are trillions of products out there. And, I have not found my HG waterproof mascara yet, although I am really interested in testing out the Clarins Fix Mascara, that is supposed to make ANY mascara waterproof. Oh, it was Jojoba who raved about it (here), check out her review.
Oh, I should have bought that yesterday...I was in the cosmetic shop where they still had the 20% discount, but my impatient boyfriend did not like my cosmetic browsing so much....LOL! He always chases me with cotton balls and paper towels to make me wipe away all my swatches...Somehow he thinks I already have enough makeup (who me? don't agree, do you? Dear Readers?)
Anyway, get your eyes ready for summer, and keep it fun, because a smokey eye should not be caused by the kind of 'activity' the girls practice in the next picture....

what a lovely post! I cannot wait for summer either, and have jumped at every chance to bring out my summer wardrobe hehe. LOVE the P&J eye gloss, it looks divine, I really need to try P&J stuff.
I tried the Fyrinnae liners before and although the colors were so lovely, they smudged quite easily on my lid, even after they dried, but perhaps they have reformulated it? Do update on how it works out for you!
ooh i was just at the p & j counter looking at that yesterday but ended up buying kose instead [sucker that i am]
i shall go back for another look
the P&J shine nicely <3
So much pretty stuff. I'mn going to have to order from Fyrianne. Did you have to pay custom fees?
What a fantastic haul!! I've got the P&J eye gloss 03 and it fantastic!!
Those liners are utterly gorgeous!!
Going back for more P&J...!
K-palette is kinda of hard to remove for me, do you have any problems removing it? The eye gloss is lovely. :)
Yay the eye gloss is so pretty!! I want to collection all of them.. hahahaha. I'm glad you like the sample of P&J foundation! :] I also prefer the darker metallic color over the lighter one!
the swatches are so pretty.
i want to get more p&j glosses!
Oh, I love the golden champagne eye gloss a lot!! ;)
Should have put this into my order too! Well, next time then!
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