But right now I will let this picture speak for itself. I see the most loving and enigmatic presidential couple of all times...and I hope that their love will reach the USA, and heal the mistakes of the past.
Congratulations United States with your new president!!!
My comment is not related to this post, but !
Thanks for dropping by my blog :)
I find that your blog is very interesting especially about the Gmarket hall !!
I usually ask my sister to get stuff from gmarket (she's in Korea) and she and my mom sends me stuff with little gift too!
How much usually cost for shipping fee when you order from Gmarket to US ? I know first they charge alot from approximate shipping fee but they give you back once it's finalized right ? I've been dying to know about their shipping fee to US. If you remember, please let me know :) thx !
Hi Digital Angel,
I love your blog as well!
Gmarket is a lovely place to buy Korean cosmetics. However, I think that shipping is expensive.
For example, the order I made in my gmarket-haul post had a value of $43, but with the shipping I had to pay about $26 extra. I received a refund of $8. So yes, you do get a refund...but it is not that much :x
On the other hand: it is still cheaper than buying Etude house or other Korean items on ebay. And the freebies are really amazing.
Actually, I think that shipping by your mother would be a much better deal ;)
Hello my dear!
It did have some glitter - it just adds to the loveliness right??
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