I want to do a review today, because I posted about the Eyeko sale today as well...so I think it is wise to tell something about one of their products...It will be a small review, though.
I think I will start of with the positive...a product which is ok. It is not a HG, safe-when-a-fire-is burning-down-your-house kind of product, but is is...ehm...ok.
First, it looks darn cute: the packaging, the manga style eyes and the pink colours. They know how to do girly and young.
The back of the product...
The deep and profoundly intellectual message....ooops, not so much. But ok...but appearances/looks matter in this world...

It works with the same mechanism as several lipglosses and highlighers that are put in a pen with a small brush...you turn the bottom of the pen around...and around....and around, and about half an hour later....some product appears....

But if you look closely, it looks a bit frosty. Mmm, my enthousiam seemed to dissapear. Frosty is nice, if it is the snowman. I am not a fan of frost on my face: it reminds me of old aunties with frosty eyeshadows, dodgy 70's makeup....
The swatches....The pictures are quite true to life.

This is the same picture as before, only a close-up. I think people with small pores and no blemishes (lucky people, LOL) can use this on their cheekbones as well, or a bit above the upper lip. Personally, I am looking for a more natural way to embellish my cheekbones.

This close up is made in natural light (a clouded day). If you look closely, you can see the shimmer particles dissapearing into my pores...
So, would I buy this again? No, because I have several highligher eyeshadows and creams that I can put below my eyebrows.

It works with the same mechanism as several lipglosses and highlighers that are put in a pen with a small brush...you turn the bottom of the pen around...and around....and around, and about half an hour later....some product appears....

But if you look closely, it looks a bit frosty. Mmm, my enthousiam seemed to dissapear. Frosty is nice, if it is the snowman. I am not a fan of frost on my face: it reminds me of old aunties with frosty eyeshadows, dodgy 70's makeup....
The swatches....The pictures are quite true to life.
This picture was made with flash. On the right site is a unblended blob of the product. the left site is blended. It still looks a bit frosty, though...but blended it works as a highligher for under my eyebrows....

This is the same picture as before, only a close-up. I think people with small pores and no blemishes (lucky people, LOL) can use this on their cheekbones as well, or a bit above the upper lip. Personally, I am looking for a more natural way to embellish my cheekbones.

This close up is made in natural light (a clouded day). If you look closely, you can see the shimmer particles dissapearing into my pores...

For me, the versality of the product is limited, because the shade is a bit too shimmery...however, I already consider Nars Orgasm to be too shimmery, so it can be the perfect product for other people who like shimmer.
Further on, I cannot say that much if it broke me out or not, because I only worn it one time under my eyebrows. It did stay rather put during the day, it did not crease or migrate at all.
Conclusion: I think Eyeko products make excellent gifts for everyone that starts out with makeup, because it targets on young teens (and tweens as well). Yours truely has left that age a looong time ago, so it is not really a me product, even though it is pretty ok.
It is also a nice product for Clubbing girls who like to shimmer and shine during the night.
Overal, the product appears to target a young product, and is suitable for everyone who is young or feels young...
lalalalalala frosty the snowman! lalalalala
I know what you mean about eyeko.I feel the appeal, buy, then kick myself!
I love the way that you write!
Thank you, Glow. Now only to find some Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer-buster-creams/makeup before Christmas ;p...
Hey! Wait a sec! Where did Nina simone go?? Or did i Dream that??
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