Tuesday, 26 March 2013

"How about Brow?": Kanebo Kate vs Laura Mercier eyebrow pot

Must be Clara Devingue...but brows are a hot topic lately.

I have been using them a bit more to draw the attention upwards. Not that I have an ample busum, au contraire. Women who do often notice that few men stare into their eyes at first glance:
"how ya like my eyebrows?"
Dolly Parton always has the funniest and most self-ironic quotes about beauty:  1. “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap” | 2. “I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb - and I'm not blonde either.” | 3. “I was the first woman to burn my bra - it took the fire department four days to put it out.” (more quotes here

Ok, enough about the rack and lets go to the frame for eyes instead.

I bought the Kanebo Kate Gel Eyebrow in 2011 (review here) and the Laura Mercier about 3 months ago. The 3rd one is a Inglot Brow Wax that I have since 2011. It's not a real colour but a coloured gloss to make brows look shinier.
Swatches: daylight, no sun.

  • Kanebo Kate has the most pigmentation (after 1 1/2 year!)
  • Laura Mercier is not so pigmented
  • Laura Mercier Fair is slightly cooler & ashier 
  • So Kate is warmer in colour
  • The Inglot eyebrow wax is transparent with a hint of ashy brown
I feel meh about the pigmentation of Laura Mercier. I have been storing it with the lid closed and it is already so underpigmented after 3 months.

The next test: After rinsing the arm with lukewarm water:
Laura Mercier dissapeared into a sad shadow, whereas Kanebo Kate is still there!

 Kanebo Kate is almost the best in every aspect: price ($10 vs $24), pigmentation, durability, waterproof-ness and the smoother way it disperses on my eyebrow brush. The only thing Laura Mercier is better at is the colour match: the slightly cooler hue suits me better.

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