My very talented Taupe-eyeshadow-loving friend Pink Sith has actually nominated me for the Triple Awards-Award of the beautiful virtual world of blogging.
This must imply that I should design my own line of corresponding paper, teacups, business-cards and t-shirts with the logo of my blog. I should be entirely self-promotive in all my daily activities: "read my blog and inspire me for even better posts!"-will be the reason for living. My blog will become me, and I will become my blog. (ok, pun intended)
Actually, the task that I have to do, is nominating another ten bloggers and explain why they are nominated. This will be an excruciating task, because I really love so many (beauty)blogs and consider every talent to be unique and creative. I do not want to discriminate...booohoo.
I still feel a bit burdened with this task, but I am thankful to validate a couple of some talented bloggers with this award.
My list is posted in random order:
My list is posted in random order:
This London woman is so exclusively cool that she even has a strict 'guestlist' for the cool and beautiful (ehm...I do not know why she invited me). She was the one who 'discovered' me and thanks to her I have found my place in the beauty-blogging neighbourhood of lovers of Japanese/Korean/cute and fab items.
Yasumi has the coolest writing style ever...it is like Andy-Warholl-in-the-sixties kind of quirky and fabulous! She is not only incredibly beautiful, with lips to envy, but also so very modest (and self-depreciating).2. Pink Syth
This Syth in pink has a out-of-space, brilliant way to describe the love and uniqueness of Taupe eyeshadows and other beauty items. She is the William Worthsworth of writing verses and philosophy-based love declarations about beauty-products. I have been admiring her blog since a year ago, even before starting my own. I could not have been more proud to be nominated her.
3. Lotuspalace
How could I forget the queen of enablers: Kathi from Lotuspalace. Kathi is often the first person to blog about a new must-have beauty item from Korean of Japanese origin. Her descriptions are sound and intelligent, and her pictures are very lust-worthy. Moreover, she probably has one of the biggest collections of Japanese and Korean makeup in Europe, and she loves to share the photograpical evidence with us.
Kimberly Tia is the queen bee of our beauty highschool. But she is the überfriendly version of the popular Queen bee-type, so it makes her even more loveable. She must have at least 300 blogger-friends, and she still takes the time to 'talk' with you in person. She has a brilliant taste in beauty products, and is happy to review them for us. Moreover, as a true Queen Bee...she is such a beautiful woman and has such cool makeup-looks.
I love her philosophy of sharing her vision and experiences of makeup and beauty products for women who are thirtysomethings. Her efforts to show people a kind a beauty that goes beyond the skinny-photoshopped-model type is truely wonderful, and gorgeous. And, she has some gooorgeous items she often reviews and shows pics of. I also loves the fact that she blogs regularly and is really an active blogger (which can be difficult sometimes...eh?)
6. Fuzkitty
She is the true movie-star/supermodel of the beauty-bloggers world. She is not only very beautiful, but also educates us with images and stories of Korean/Chinese/Japanese celebrities. She even recreates their makeup in such an impeccable manner. Her beauty reviews are really excellent and her pictures MAKES you buy the items, which is not the biggest problem because she has good taste in beauty products (Maquillage Face Creator, for exampe).
7. My Makeup Reviews
I can only repeat and paraphrase what Pink Sith said before about Jojoba: her reviews are so detailed and her pictures so sharp that you almost want to reach your makeup brush to your computer screen to apply the makeup she posted (wouldn't that be nifty)? She also has the most serene and beautiful face, which is such a perfect canvas for her FOTD's she portrays so excellently. She is also the biggest flatterer...
8. Lost in Beauty
Cheryl is the beauty blogger who is the light and loveliness in the city of fashion: Milan. Her outlook on life and beauty is anything but lost. Her mix of review on beauty products is so refreshing, as she looks at things and brands you would not have considered earlier (but are brilliant nevertheless). (and, she is gorgeous as well).
9. A Beautyful Sentiment
When I see an update of this blog, I can hardly restrain myself to check it out immediately. Her reviews of Asian cosmetics is really addictive, and she makes the lovelies pictures (also from very delicious food. Her blog template looks so organized and yet beautiful: it is a delight to visit her blog.
10. Bittenbefore/Tokyolife
The combination of a impeciably beautiful website, fabulous reviews of real lust-have Asian products and the high level of Kawaii items makes it a blog you want to visit again and again. She has the neatest blog themes, such as 'red day'. And the food porn is just too tempting...
Ohh, it has been so hard to make the selection, as I love you all...
If you are nominated, then I have some rules for you (sorry, I have copied them from my nominator):
1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Woohoo!! You're too kind sweety~~ :D Made my morning!
wow thank you! i am honoured to be mentioned with the other seasoned pros!!!
I am humbly honoured to be mentioned with the Queens of beauty blogging!
Many thanks, and I'd better get cracking on that to-do list!!
P.S. You're right...I NEVER use photoshop...I believe in showing the gory reality in full colour!
argh, you and Elvira!!! thank you so much!!! this is too much for me. i feel like i am tagged! :P
woho helen thank u so much for this nomination :-) looks like i'm almost one of the few beauty bloggers (?) in milan? i'll get on with the nomination list too then... thank u again dear!
Aww very sweet post!!
Aww you're sweet. So many of those girls really are remarkable individuals!
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