Wednesday, 28 January 2015

January Clean & Calm

My apologies for the lack of updates. My skin gotten in some kind of January strike which made me question every calming solution I had in my skin-robe. Right now I am still struggling for a bit of skin-peace but I found myself going for a cleaner regime.

I'm trying out this pure water from AS.AP in the calming distilation of lavender, and my skin seems to tolerate it. I have to use it a couple of days to see a positive effect but I'm already glad with the neutral (not making things worse) effect.

However, I'm not completely convinced by everything organic 'miracle' and sometimes the addition of essential oils are not the best match. So I'm still reaching for some calming solutions from French Pharmacies:

 Homeoplasmine is actually a whole bunch of vaseline with a hint of calendula & some other ingredients. Like anything homeopathic the key in into quantity and not quality of the healing aspect (calendula). Avène Cicalfate is another cleam suited for post-operation (dermatologic) skin and it is as innoffensive as anything.

So this explains my lack of posts for the time being. I have not been feeling the makeup-vibe for a while (except concealing) because I felt like eliminating everything that could give me a reaction. But I miss the fun of makeup so I hope to be actively blogging about it soon :-)

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